Welcome to the Olive Tree program! #2

I would like to introduce the Olive tree WorkLife program. First I’ll tell you some basic principles and at the same time show you how we do the program. The Olive tree program is supported by external consultants.

Anyone who really wants to change or develop something in their work or organization cannot expect this to come only from the hierarchy. In vital and spirited organizations, every employee shows leadership, regardless of his or her position.

A brief summary of the programme we run at Vesuvius in Enschede.

Personal leadership begins with the willingness to look at yourself and the courage to visibly display your preferred behaviors, skills and knowledge. How do you spark and encourage personal leadership in employees?

We believe that in addition to having vision, the most important key to development and innovation lies with the employee: How do you break through only assignment-driven work, encourage proactivity and engage employees in their strengths and qualities? How do you ensure that everyone is linked to the organization and team goals.

The Olive tree program facilitates top down and bottom-up managers and employees in taking direction and ownership in line with organizational goals.
In the Olive tree program, all employees receive a personal account with the match, personal development and organizational tools for personal leadership. The Olive tree program is supported by the Hello WorkLife-360 platform. The platform is employee-centered and organization-driven and uses match and data technology and a scientific psychological behavioral analysis model.

The match platform links organizational goals to team goals and employees’ personal action plans to better collaborate, learn, develop and perform together.

Would you like more information or would like to make a no-obligation appointment for an introduction? Contact us at (074) 750 8818 or get in touch with on of our consultants.

Emile Ziegerink (‭+31 (0) 6 4554 0170‬) or Bob van den Berg (+31 (0) 6 4210 7944) would be more than happy to help you out.

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